Our general information for the season

We analyse for you the relevant trends in modern society, art, culture, architecture and design to define new Major Trends. They are the backround for future fashion trends. The presentation is prepared in visual collages with a multitude of relevant sources.
SEASON'S START allows you a rapid, synthetic overall view of design’s most significant phenomenons. We translate trends for specific markets and evaluate their creative and commercial potential.
The trend conference comprises:
• Key themes
• Colours
• Fabrics
• Styles
• Accessories

Our made to measure services

Information on targeted, precise trends for your industry branch, your company brand and your specificity – an à la carte synthesis of TRENDS.
After your briefing, our analysis of general trends is adapted to your specific situation with evaluation of their commercial potential.
Our trend conference is followed by a discussion workshop.
Creation of innovative and original GRAPHIC SOLUTIONS. The exclusive patterns and motifs are perfectly in synch with current fashion trends.
We create for you:
• Allovers, placed motifs and artwork for your collection
• The conception of your marketing supports in text and graphics for adequate communication
• Your logo and your visual identity

In exclusivity for your products: fabrics, surfaces and colour associations perfectly in synch with fashion trends and market needs. The interplay of colours, surfaces and fabrics - primordial in fashion – has now become more and more important also for industrial design. Our recognized expertise in the fashion industry and our acquired experiences in the telephone, automobile and packaging industries allow us very diversified interventions in the field of colour.
Colour Concept Design comprises:
• Color values in a specific material
• Colour harmonies
• Concept board photos
• PANTONE codes
• Description
Our GRAPHIC SOLUTIONS are applicable to the most varied products, perfectly in synch with current fashion, graphic and design trends.
Fashion is omnipresent. Following the industry’s evolutions is increasingly important in the design of practically all consumer products.
We create patterns or specific structures for very diversified sectors of industrial design (telephones, automobiles, packaging).

Our TREND CONCEPTIONS FOR FABRIC, FASHION + DESIGN SALONS create exclusive, captivating and modern visual identities.
We conceive a complete fashion universe for your salon, setting up modules complementing each other.
Creation of an overall, original, coherent visual and textual ensemble making a strong impact and including:
• Exclusive colour ranges
• Trend themes
• Key phrases and trend texts
• Visual imagery
• Page layout for your print and web publications
• Decoration for forums
• An orientation system
• Creation of fabric data bases